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i loved this game.
tho i was sometimes annoyed as i kept randomly slashing when i was clearly clicking the hell out of my mouse. but that's the only bad point i can think of!
the gameplay style was pretty much smooth all the time, fun, and replayable.
i liked the upgrades and the way upgrades and exp carried over all games.
the graphics was definitely the best part of it. 3d is the way games were ment to be played.

some ideas to add maybe?:
items? could have different armor and weapons to help the Samurai?
a few more enemies types.
more levels!
upgradable/changeable slash moves?
some background :P (i really want to know why the forever samurai is fighting all of these robot/mechanical things and why the awsome looking huge dogbot was following him!)


acrazycanadian responds:

Dogbot, that's awesome. Haha, I think that'll be his new nickname.
Your suggestions are all things I will definitely be trying to do when/if I make a sequel. Thanks for the feedback.

i agree with most the people here

while it was ok, the pause bit really broke it up alot and nearly all of the time they went on for far too long, even after you had clicked all the points.
now a slightly better idea might be to have the points already there and you just have to click them before the guy goes past them or he will fall or run into something.
if you are looking to try another similar idea, i would suggest letting the player actually control the guy with arrow keys or wasd and just have those coloured points as an indication that you most press a button to do somethig
(for example your running up to a vent/fan on a roof, and there's a green circle/area which tells you that you have to press j (or k or L but don't make it the movement keys as that might get too complex for the better experience) then the guy would do the right action to get past.)

or maybe you COULD let the player jump over the vent/fan but to get points you would have to press the action button, and make it so if you hit the button on-time(perfect) then you get extra points, and/or a small slow-downed sequence maybe you could toggle wether the sequence happens or not if you want a fast-paced Parkour experience.
maybe you could have a option for black and white with only the action spots coloured to make them stand out?

i dunno, just sounding out some ideas here for you.


what you have here is an awsome game. and no doubt

except theres a couple of ideas i would like to put forward

first off, the end boss was good, but easy enough for me to ignore him and take down the little guys for a minute. i think if you made the boss take a pre-destined route around the arena so he will always get to you eventually then it would be harder, also i used a emp gun on him and it worked a treat, im thinking that if you make him nearly invulnerable to emp then the player will have a far more challenging boss fight.

i dont know what you think about this but maybe mini boss fights here and there to make things a litle more lively, maybe they have a unique weapon for you to get after killing them, or maybe just killing them unlocks some more weapons to buy.

also im thinking that you might be able to buy different juggernaughts from a button underneath the picture of a juggernaut in the buy menu, you could have
a fast-low health-but extra shield-extra damage one...
a slow -high health -extra weapon slots one...
a medium speed-medium health-and medium everything...
another one with extra gear slots etc

after all that i was a little disapointed that i couldn't (or couldn't find) a way to repeat levels, so an option for that would be good.

maybe you you have a think where you create custom levels for yourself - you could place your own traps, customise which enemies and how many, what weapons the juggs have etc the play it with your campaign juggernaut. maybe you would have to beat cetian levels or mini-bosses to be able to use certain traps/enemies.

basically the potential to have a freakin awsome game here is under your nails, u just gotta pick it out ;)

woop! writing!!! enjoy reading that ^^


i too believe that you could add some extra things eg the crane idea expressed by HolyDemonAndy, 'nd other stuff.

but WWWOOOOAAAHHHH!! again. i spied some crazyass massive robots f'in around in the background! whats goorin orn over hnyerh! (there)

dudes. if u ever make something else. it has to, just HAS to be to do with this only in some way let us know whats happening (eg a background story or mehbe a plot) maybe u could haveto run through a forest/countryside or something (could be lush "green" or desolate and dead- whatevr) ...
did these invaders come from outerspace or are they creations of the world(ment for good) or creations from some evil dude (like teh Dr. from sonic? lolbutno) or did these monstrosities come from beneath our very feet from our very own earth? damn it u 2! i wanna knoooooooooooooowwwwww :(


not giving you a full 10 cos its a bt of a rip of COD5: WAW nazi zombies BUT youve done a fantastic job on it (i wish there was multi-player.... my xbox broke and i cant play nazi zombies D:) and its nicely planned out.

my only wish is that you bring outa simple multiplayer version (you could have players starting in different rooms and then hve them try to meet up :D also you could rack up the difficulty for EG: 1player:1difficulty, 2players :2.5difficulty 3players: 4 difficulty, 4players: 5/6difficulty--- to make it more of a challenge. then you could also make huge maps etc tht wld be h awsomes!)

the gun system is a little confusing but nevertheless cool and im going to play it again!(i only got to lvl 8 or something but i stayed in the reception room ><)

played it :Dgot to lvl 19 with 18000 points. i still think a multiplayer would be awsome (maybe if you had all the people in different maps but you could send help to them by pressing certain switches located over the map? so like; one covers their map in lightening doing 1/2 damage to all zombies there, or another switch heals them or another gives them some of your cash etc and then they do the same to you. but youd need a panel on the side or something which displays their stats and stuff.
but the switches would need to be in hard to reach & different places so it can still be a challenge to win :)

great game! but

The mages are FAR too over powered, if you make them do less damage per energy ball thing, or fire less of them, and give them less range (i had a mage shooting me from the edge of the Fog of War which i couldnt kill, also it was firing 5 magic things and taking out everything!) then a better score would be in order.

also i reckon if when you click on an enemy it should place a priority target on it. EG if theres a mage reeking havok whilst your towers are shooting other creatures then you should be able to click on the mage and the towers should shoot that first.

another idea is maybe you could buy upgrades (eg faster fireing, more dmg, dual shot etc) from the relative buildings (eg upgrade for a guard tower bought at dewllings, upgrades for cannon towers at forge etc) and maybe the town centre could revive heros after a few rounds after theyy die (they also dont have enough health... if you arnt gonna try the revive thing then make them have more health)

this seems to cover most of it.
its hs potential to be a really good game, but its just these fewthings holding it back :O


damn thats hard! i had to get right up close to see if i was gonna hit the edges on some levels, it really helps!

ok, however

its a good challenging game, however i think you need to improve the likelyness of a vowel appearing, cos i was waiting for ages for a vowel to float down and found it was probably another I. just something i think you should look upon. (maybe if you convert tghe amount of letters per letter from the game Scrabble into chance of how liely a letter is to appear then you should do alright.)

good game

i likes all the TD type games so u get a good rating from me, but after a while it does get a little repetetive after the first 5-6 levels. :P maybe combos are in order? :)

unfortunately you spelt SHEFFIELD wrong :O (my city :]) so ive had to knock a star off 4 that.... (didnt lower your rating tho) apart from that good game!


well, you bested me!

has anyone actually beat this game? imean, in one life and no cheating etc (i tried to cheat by clearing cookies etc but it still showed the flowers growing on my poor grave :[ lol)

I like technology (ROBOTS!). i love drawing but i very often have no ideas, so i come on Newgrounds here and try to get inspired. i also like to invent stuff ( any ol'e thing that comes into my head, i put it on paper, who knows? could save the world....

Age 31, Male

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High Storrs School


Joined on 10/7/08

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